Maike Jansen
Lives and works in Krefeld.
The focus of my work is the human body, its orientation in the world and the diverse ways in which it is shaped and changed by external influences.
The medium of textile plays an essential role as a second skin - storing gestures, experiences and processes in the material due to its responsive property.
Folds, creases, loose threads or ruffled edges bear witness to previous interactions with the body. By using photography and scanning, these traces and motions are digitally recorded and serve as the basis for the jacquard-woven works, translating the pixels back into threads and creating an illusion of depth by mimicking surface qualities.
Alongside the significance of cloth as memory storage and second skin, the Soft is of particular interest to me, as it can be deformed and adjusted through external manipulation. Being able to function both as a protective as well as a hiding shell, its ambiguous character holds a special fascination.
Master of Fine Arts, Textile Design, The Swedish School of Textiles,
Borås, Sweden
Bachelor of Science, Textile Design,Hochschule Niederrhein, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Scholarship Erasmus+ March 20232021
Special Jury Mention by Fondazione Bortolaso Totaro Sponga 2017/18
Research Funding EU Horizon
2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie grant (ArcInTexETN)2017
Scholarship Teko (Robert A:son Byttners
Produktive Räume/Productive Spaces, Haus Lange Krefeld (GER)curated by Katia Baudin, Dr. Magdalena Holzhey, Dr. Sylvia Martin, Dr. Michael Krajewski
Open Studio Exhibition, Kunsthalle Lottozero, Prato (IT)curated by Alessandra Tempesti
Miniartextil, Le Minorelle, Marcq-en Baroeul, (FR)2022
Miniartextil, Museo del Tessile, Busto Arsizio, (IT)2022
Miniartextil, Le Beffroi de Montrouge, Paris, (FR)2021
Ich seh‘ immer nur den Himmel/I only ever see the sky, Atelier
Pförtnerloge, Krefeld, (GER)together with Markus Maria Jansen
Soft Traces, galerieMAMA, Krefeld, (GER)2021
Miniartextil, Pinacoteca Civica, Como, (IT)2020
Bittersweet, Ziellenbachhaus Krefeld, (GER)2020
The new intimacy, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, (NL), (virtual)2017
Design Junction, London Design Festival, London, (UK)2017
New Designers, Business Design Center, London, (UK)2017
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